These programs are just a few offerings from Ohio State University Extension. If you are looking for other related health or wellness programs, feel free to contact me. If you have a group, business, or individuals interested in any of these programs please contact me, Katie Schlagheck at
Generation Rx
In partnership with the Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and Cardinal Health, Generation Rx has a program targeted to specific age groups (elementary, teen, college, adult, and older adult) to talk about the dangers of medication misuse and ways to be safe when it comes to medication uses.
Home Food Preservation
Learn the basics of water bath and pressure canning, freezing and drying. Classes can be taught at any time of the year. Check back for open programming dates in the spring!
New to preservation or needing updated materials? We have copies of the "So Easy To Preserve" book from University of Georgia Extension available for $20. We also have copies of the USDA "Complete Guide to Home Canning" available for $10. Stop by the office to pick up your copy.
Pressure Canner Testing
Pressure canner testing can be done at the Sandusky County Extension office. Please call the Sandusky County office at 419-334-6340 to make an appointment. There is a charge of $5 per lid tested.
Live Healthy, Live Well
Live Healthy, Live Well is a program to encourage healthy habits of people in their daily lives. Part of the Live Healthy, Live Well program are short lessons 30-45 minutes. Lessons incldue Stop Stressing, Start Living, Cooking for One or Two, Getting your Zzzz's (sleep), MyPlate (basic nutrition) and more.
Several times a year there is also a Live Healthy, Live Well email challenge. Twice a week for 6 weeks you will receive an email about a particular healthy living topic, encourage you to try new things, and new exercise ideas.
Sun Safety
The Sun Safety program focuses on taking steps to prevent skin cancer and sun damage. Participants may also use Dermascan technology to view their skin as an educational tool to view damage that has already occurred.