County-Wide Quality Assurance offered in person

In 2024 county-wide QA programs will be offered by OSU in person and will be held at Vanguard

The dates are: 

  • April 25 at 6:30 p.m.

  • May 14 at 6:30 p.m.

4-H Club-Level QA Programs

Individual clubs may host QA training through Zoom or at face-to-face meetings in accordance with all current health guidelines. Club programs must have a certified assistant instructor lead the program, using the approved county-wide QA program. Programs completed through FFA are also accepted.


Options for 4-H Age 15 & Older

OSU Extension offers an ODA approved test-out option for youth 4-H age 15 and older. Youth who score a 70% or higher on the 50 question test are exempted from QA requirements for the remainder of their Jr Fair years.
This Test will not be offered virtually. To test out, you will need to make an appointment before May 1st by calling the Extension Office at (419) 334-6340. Ag Education teachers (FFA Advisors) who are certified to teach QA may also offer the test. (Both 4-H and FFA must use the current year's ODA approved test)


Asynchronous, Paid Online Course (Fee Applies)

Older members now have an online QA Training Option! Livestock QA can be completed at home at any time. A fee does apply to this course. Please note that only this one, specific online course is being accepted. Detials can be found at:

Please send your completion certificates to 




Out of County Options

Members may also attend programs hosted by OSU in other counties and OSU-approved Face to Face programs at livestock shows and events. Online Beef QA and other specific online programs are currently not accepted.